Introduction To My Art Practice and Sensory Artwork Guides: Spawning New Artworks With You

Samantha E. Harvey [SEH]
4 min readAug 21, 2023


ASCII generation of ‘SEH’

I am a visual artist who explores the intricate relationship between my sensory environment and neurodistinctions, delving into the sensations that arise within my body as a result.

Through my artistic practice, I spawn hybrid creations that traverse the realms of Web3 and social media, engaging with digital platforms to reach a wider audience. Continuously in search of a secure cocoon in which to exist.

I employ the creation of sensory and process art as my unique methodology. As a visual artist, I utilize digital media and video installations to further explore and express my artistic vision.

A photo against a white background. On the photo there are black grids with abstract greyscale shapes inside. The borders of the photo are blurred.
Hypnotic Art #1, Samantha E. Harvey [SEH], Digital Media, 2023

Art Projects

One of my current hybrid ‘spawns’ is the project My Heart is Glitching.

Here I express my understanding of the physical sensations that arise through my body as a result of my sensory environment. Trying to speak to these in a way of educating and calming myself as to what is happening.

An image of a tweet against a dark red background. The tweet reads: 🫀 ‘My Heart is Glitching’. The physical sensation of exhilaration feels different for each individual: Exhilaration can cause an increased heart rate, which can contribute to the feeling of excitement and energy. Artwork by Samantha E. Harvey [SEH], 2023. There is an abstract image at the bottom of the tweet, it has a red star shape and blue gradient background which has a glitch effect.
My Heart Is Glitching, Samantha E. Harvey [SEH], Digital Media, 2023

Each has my interpretation of this occurrence through an artwork and these are shared through ‘Xitter’ and the Web3 platform Objkt selling with Tezos cryptocurrency.

What Am I Doing On Medium

Here enters my introduction to Medium and this wonderful community of thinkers.


A sensory artwork guide is a spawn of My Heart is Glitching but now with YOU.

The more I learn and interact with this community, the more my mind opens and my process of creation makes more sense within our interactions.

I always see my creative process as more of a non-linear ‘spiders-web’ way of working. Overlapping and interweaving with people I meet online and AFK (away-from-keyboard) each day.

It makes sense to me now, and why something always felt like it was missing in the traditional sense of presenting my works that has now clicked into place.

I would like to now share my creative process in working with you.

Creating Your Own Sensory Artwork Guide

The outcome will be in the form of your own personalized sensory artwork guide.

Combing a choice of artworks I will share, and intertwining with your own unique reflections.

These will be available through a free customizable Canva template. You are welcome to print the template for your personal use only.

You will be responding to your sensory environment and physical sensations.

Involving a series of choices, personal questions and self-insight as much as you feel comfortable. Through reflecting upon artwork I will provide.

Your Support

This introduction and the 1st iteration of the artwork guide will be completely free and open but some of the content will be for members only.

  • If you join as a member it is $5 per month.
  • Your membership means a lot and your interactions, claps and comments drives support to the Medium community!


  1. Monday mornings 7am through September — December 2023: I will share guides, check-ins or updates. To learn what is or isn’t working and what might be interesting to try out.
  2. This is a highly unusual way to create artwork with an audience but I feel we are open to new ideas on this platform, and I’m excited to see what will happen.
  3. My process thrives on feedback and to know how you find these. So please do comment publically or privately, and let me know how it goes :)

My personal viewpoint on creating art is more of a compulsion, an essential ritual to keep me safe and to be able to express myself through life.

In the words of for creatives the process is to —

let it out, to rinse yourself . It’s like you absorb, you rinse

Try It For Yourself

Watch out for the launch next week 7am BST (28 August 2023) where I will be sharing the first iteration; to make your own personalized sensory artwork guide.


I am also the founder of SULCI WORLD, a platform where we celebrate and transform art environments for individuals who experience brain and sensory differences.

Learn more:

The setting is inside a forest with large trees. There are different size art installations in round shapes. They are spread around the forest floor in light green, pink and bright green. The ones further away are transparent.
AI Render, Digital Image, SULCI WORLD, 2023



Samantha E. Harvey [SEH]

Visual Artist • Sensory Art • Alternate Sensory-Friendly Experiences • Web3, Technology, Poetry (she/her)