Poetry | Artistry

034 | A Tarmac Road Floats Inside a Void

There Is Fire All Around It

Samantha E. Harvey [SEH]
2 min readMar 25, 2024


Abstract brightly coloured digital art
Tarmac Road, Digital Image, Samantha E. Harvey [SEH], 2024

It takes
one whole
to tango with me.

In that mile
comes a gift
or is it
a trick?

A tarmac road floats inside a void
there is fire all around it
the point of its far perspective floats in the wind.

The whole road is moving in a breeze
and at the same time
made of
delicate material.

It vanishes
into a white point
and engulfs me
expands out in a circle.

Then the void
comes back

this time

without the road.

We play chess
on a vertical board
there are no pieces.



Samantha E. Harvey [SEH]

Visual Artist • Sensory Art • Alternate Sensory-Friendly Experiences • Web3, Technology, Poetry https://lit.link/en/samanthaharvey (she/her)